
Happy Hearts Day 2013

February 14, 2013 · ☕️ 1 min read

And so the much awaited day has come! YES, I’m single but NO, I’m not going to be bitter here.

I’m happy to know that the people around me are happy and filled with love in their hearts. Share the love…

To those who:

Have been in love for a couple of time **

Stay true to your partner. Make everyday special in your own little ways. Make them happy always. Cuddle as much as you can. Love as there’s no tomorrow. Take care of your partner. And lastly ask this, “Can I give more?” That’s how you assess your love.

Newly in love **

I certainly know how it feels. The magic of love will keep you alive. It feels like time flies and it’s always never been enough. There are a lot of things you’ll get to know of your partner, a lot of things to share, a lot of things to come along the way. But what’s keeping the relationship alive? It’s simply about taking the time to understand and fix things together.

Single **

I know you believe in love. Yes you are, no people in this world don’t long to be loved. That’s a certain thing. Don’t worry, don’t be desperate, take your time for it’s not about when, it’s about WHO. Because you’ll never know when is the right time to love but you’ll know deep in your heart someday that HE/SHE’s the one.

Happy Hearts day to all. Share the love & enjoy the rest of the day


Personal blog by @dorelljames
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